Matthew 4:12-22; 9:35-38 In all Scripture there is only one area in which God is confronted with a
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Tabernacle of David Assembly of God
Thank you for visiting Tabernacle of David Assembly of God website. We hope that your visit will be insightful and that you will be prompted to visit our site again. We also look forward to seeing you in church for our Sunday worship.
We pray your whole spirit, soul and body be blessed as you visit our site. We believe in the God who is, who was and is to come. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus came that you might have abundant life. May the anointing and the favor of God rest upon your life.
Bishop Harrison Sakala
March 8, 2023
Ruth 1:1-8,16-18 ‘Where is your commitment?’ is one of the most challenging and significant
February 22, 2023
If we could wave a magic rod and have whatever we desired at the beginning of this year, what would we