Christ the ultimate goal!
Phil 3:7-15
Most people set goals that they wish to achieve. We set goals of social status achievements, career goals, economic goals, family goals and for some spiritual goals. However the spiritual life is mostly ignored by the majority and only referred to when need arises or as a means to achieve other goals.
In our text, the Apostle Paul gives us a different standard, that Christ should be the ultimate goal and objective of Life. This is to live a life worthy of Christ in everyway. While it is key to pursue many goals of life, Christ should be the ultimate pursuit and goal of our lives.
How can we enhance our Pursuit of Christ as the Prime goal of Life?
1. Consider Christ as the ultimate gain vs 7-8.
With many things in life we wish to gain and have that sometimes takes the place of Christ, Paul considered everything else as nothing but Christ as all important. To find and have Christ is a great gain. Christ should take the centre stage of our entire lives.
2. Seek to know and grow in the Knowledge of Christ vs 10.
Having considered Christ to be the greatest gain in life, we enhance our Pursuit of Christ by seeking to know him and grow in the knowledge of the truth.
3. Seek the will of Christ vs 12.
Paul says he presses on to lay hold on that which Christ has laid hold on him. This had to do with the Call and Mission of Christ in his life. Have you found out Christ’s purpose for your life and made it your life goal? Everything we do in our lives should reveal Jesus Christ, then we certainly have taken hold of his will.
4. Continually Live a Christ Centered Life vs 13-15.
We are encouraged to never tire in our quest to fulfill our spiritual goal and pursuit of Christ. In it, lies his will. We should neither be complacent nor reluctant but press on ahead spiritually.
Remember to place Christ as the ultimate goal of your life pursuits!