Where is your commitment?
Ruth 1:1-8,16-18
‘Where is your commitment?’ is one of the most challenging and significant questions that each one of us will ever face.
If our commitment is self; having our way, doing our own thing, seeking only private gain, life will be one long disappointment and disillusioned. But if we are willing to commit ourselves unreservedly to God, doing His will and serving others, we will experience the best in life.
As we celebrate the women today on women’s day, our devotion will focus on Ruth and her commitment.
The book of Ruth is one of the most fascinating book in the Old Testament. Only one other book in the Bible carries a woman’s name, and that is Esther. Both of these women are outstanding in their commitment to God. Ruth teaches us the following: (vs 16)
We learn about Ruth’s magnificent commitment, not only to Naomi but, more importantly to Naomi’s God. Not only would Naomi’s people be her people, but Naomi’s God will be her God. (vs. 17).
One can hardly imagine a stronger assertion of love and loyalty on Ruth’s part for her mother in law. She was determined to stay with her as long as she lived. It was not just a timeless commitment, but a full commitment of loving devotion to the one who had become her spiritual guide. (vs. 18).
Ruth had completely made up her mind that she was going to stay with her mother-in-law. This would seem to indicate not only a genuine, unselfish love for Naomi, but also a final, full commitment to serve Naomi’s God rather than the Moabite idols.
We ought to ask the Lord every day to help us be committed to Him and His work.
Happy Women’s Day!